2022 Participants
Cornerstone URC, Sanborn, IA - June 11-18
Trinity URC, Visalia, CA - June 11-18
Covenant URC, Pantego, NC - June 18-25
Oak Glen URC, Lansing, IL - July 30-August 6
Cornerstone URC, Mexico - July 30-August 6
Registering for tasc
Each church must have on Primary Contact (PC) in place to serve as a liason between their church and RMS. The PC is responsible for the GROUP Registration during phase One of the registration process. All communication between your church and RMS will go through your PC, including collecting and mailing final payments by the April 30 deadline.
teens actively serving christ
TASC is a one-week Christian service trip for young people ages 14-19, hosted by an RMS Member church. Participants arrive at the host church on a Saturday. They worship with that congregation on Sunday and are “commissioned” for their week of service. From Monday to Thursday, they demonstrate the compassion of Christ by serving those in need in the community, as ambassadors of the host church, bearing witness to the gospel in word and deed. Friday is typically a day away where TASCers can unwind and enjoy fellowship and recreation together. The event ends on Saturday morning as everyone departs to allow sufficient time for travel home.
TASCers spend time daily in small groups fellowshipping with families in the congregation who have opened their homes to them for showers. A pastor or other capable teacher leads evening sessions, bringing the Scriptures to light for the group, connecting their experiences during the day with the truths of God’s word. Following each session, the TASCers break into smaller groups for a time of prayer. Throughout the entire week, there are many opportunities for fellowship and growth that foster lifelong bonds. TASCers are also able to discover and use their God-given gifts and talents as they love and serve God and others.
Interested in Hosting a Tasc?
So your church is interested in hosting a TASC? That is wonderful! It may seem overwhelming at times but we are here to make this as easy as possible!
CLICK HERE to fill out an Intent to Host a TASC Event Application!
The information below will provide you with a lot of the help you will need, remember if you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to reach out to us!
This is a quick reference guide that will help you get started! This has the basic information to know when it comes to wanting to host a TASC!
It is important that if you are considering hosting a TASC you stay on track! RMS has developed this timeline to provide you an aid to make sure you are doing this! This timeline provides an excellent list of expectations of what should happen each month leading up to the TASC event. If you deviate from this a little bit do not worry, this is designed to be a guide and will vary due to different circumstances at each church!
Though hosting a TASC is a lot of work, we have developed a manual to make it a lot easier! This manual contains information on how to best plan for and execute a successful TASC. Remember this is not an RMS TASC this is your church's TASC so you have plenty of freedom. This manual is a work in progress and we try to update it yearly. Please feel free to make suggestions!
Chores are a great way to have the participants help and take ownership of keeping the church clean and cleaning up after themselves. Your chore charts will vary but this should get you going in the right direction!
This is just a suggestion of what your schedule could look like! Depending on some of your personal factors such as worship service times and distances to shower houses the details will change!
This letter is sent to the participants ahead of their coming to your church! This is a great way to let them know some of the projects and get them excited about this opportunity to serve. It also lets them know some of the expectations that you have for them!
Check out tasc photos on facebook!!