In 2013, Westside Reformed Church began as a small church plant on Cincinnati’s west side. Over the years, they have grown and planted three new churches. Now, as they prepare to move into their first permanent building in the heart of Cincinnati, they have changed their name to Ascension Reformed Church. There is renovation that needs to be done before they can move in. RMS is thankful for the opportunity to help with some of this renovation.

Volunteers needed for final cleanup March 17-29! Whether you can help for a day, a few days, or the whole week, your support is greatly appreciated!

View photos of our teams working there!

Donate or volunteer now to support this exciting project!


Support the Renovation of Ascension Reformed Church

We praise God for His abundant grace in providing both financial aid and volunteers to help at Ascension Reformed Church (URCNA) in Cincinnati, Ohio—a testimony to His faithfulness!

God has graciously provided ARC (formerly Westside Reformed Church) with an old Baptist church building, which, with the help of Reformed Mission Services, has been undergoing renovations. Thanks to generous donors across the U.S. and Canada, significant progress has been made.

📸 View photos: Here or by visiting the Ascension Reformed Church Facebook page.

Current Needs

To help ARC worship in this building by March 30th, additional funding is needed for:

✅ Building a mother's room

✅ Redoing Floors

✅Kitchen Upgrade

✅Final Cleanup

Volunteer teams have helped reduce costs, and we have teams lined up for early and mid-March to assist with non-skilled labor. However, some tasks require skilled contractors at a cost of $1,500 per day.

How You Can Help?

PRAY for ARC and their presence in Cincinnati. Pray that this building will allow them to continue to serve God where He has placed them. "...praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints..."-Ephesians 6:18

GIVE Your immediate gifts will keep this project on track, and long-term support will ensure continued progress. This might be a great time to consider gifts of non-cash assets, learn more here! Our Canadian supporters can use U.R.M.A. when donating to this project! 

COME help out in Cincinnati. Volunteers are greatly needed to assist with the newly acquired church building at ARC. This might be a good opportunity for a family to serve together or for a youth group to come and help! Register Today!