The board of RMS is presented with many ways to help missionaries and ministries around the globe in their efforts to share the good news of Christ with the lost. The board seeks and distributes monetary donations to those in need of different facilities. The money raised is then sent to a missionary or ministry for the purchase of property, materials, and labor to assist the local people in the construction of these facilities. RMS asks for accountability for the funds that are sent by requiring the missionary/ministry to submit receipts throughout the process. RMS will also send a representative to see the progress made on the project.
Below is a list of projects we are currently raising funds for. You can join us in these efforts by donating today! Please earmark your donations with the project name you wish to fund. You can mail donations to 6607 Center Industrial Dr., Jenison, MI 49428, or online here, then select the project from the list. For our Canadian brothers and sisters, please submit your donations through URMA.