Have you ever wanted to learn how to evangelize and put it into practice?

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2025 SEED Opportunities

February 24 – March 3 & March 3 – 10

Join us for one of two upcoming SEED trips in Daytona Beach, Florida:

February 24 – March 3 & March 3 – 10

SEED (Serve • Engage • Evangelize • Disciple) is an intentional, practical opportunity to grow in your knowledge of evangelism and discipleship while being challenged to live out your faith. These events are led by an experienced church-planting pastor, Dr. Eric Watkins, who will provide biblical training in evangelism during the day and hands-on outreach opportunities in the afternoons and evenings.


Open to singles, married couples, and people of all ages!


The cost of your stay while attending the SEED event is covered. However, we welcome and greatly appreciate donations to help offset the expenses for room and board. A suggested donation of $300 can make a significant impact, but any amount is greatly appreciated.

Don’t miss this chance to be equipped and encouraged to share the good news of Christ with boldness. Spots are limited, so act now!

Register Below. If you have questions contact Rob at rob@rms.org.

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