Letters from Mark Agarkov

  • Dear friends and supporters,

    It's been 829 days since the war began. Unfortunately, the situation in Kharkiv City and the region is still very tough and dangerous. The Russians have changed their tactics - they are now targeting.....read more

  • Dear friends and supporters,
    813th day of the war. Unfortunately, the enemy is advancing in the Kharkiv region. The city is under fire from air bombs. The day before yesterday, more than ten aerial bombs reached ......Read More

  • Dear friends and supporters,

    807th day of the war. Unfortunately, the enemy began offensive actions against the Kharkiv region. From the middle of the night, continuous shelling of the border area began. The sounds of artillery....read more

  • Dear friends and supporters,

    800th day of the war. We pray to God that this figure does not reach four figures. This war brought so much suffering and grief. This week, we reopened the...read more

719 days of war

Dear friends and supporters,

Today is the 719th day of the war. Yesterday in Kharkiv was the mourning day. We had a drone attack on the gas station. Two families were burned alive....

617 days of War

Dear friends and supporters, Today marks the 523rd day of the ongoing war. I would like to express my gratitude for the prayers and support received during this difficult time. At the beginning....

530 Days of war

Dear friends and supporters,

530th day of the war. Today, we visited the village of "Gliboke" on a humanitarian mission. The ongoing war severely affected the village, with only 64 people....


Dear friends and supporters,

Today marks the 523rd day of the ongoing war. I would like to express my gratitude for the prayers and support received during this difficult time. At the beginning of.... 

500 days of war

Dear friends and supporters,

500 days of war. I never thought that I would ever write this sentence. Few of my generation thought they would live during the biggest war in Europe in the 21st century.......

481 Days of War

Dear friends and supporters,

481st day of the war. Sorry for being silent for such a long period. The past three weeks were extremely busy. But also very joyful! On June 1st, we opened the social center......


Dear brothers and sisters,
457th day of the war. Please pray for Ukraine. Every day there is terrible shelling of Ukrainian cities. Last night  there was a shelling of a hospital in the Dnieper. More than 30 people...


Dear friends and supporters,

355th day of the war. In 10 days, there will be exactly a year of this terrible and destructive war. This week has been very tough. On the night from Tuesday to Wednesday...

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Ukraine Relief

This is a video of one of the pastors we are working with in Ukraine!