about seed

SEED is hosted by an RMS Member Church that desires to provide opportunities for evangelism and discipleship training for mature young people. Typically, the church will overlap the SEED Trip in conjunction with their VBS week so the Sowers can participate as VBS teachers.  If there is no VBS, the Host Church would be responsible for arranging other opportunities for evangelistic efforts in their communities such as canvassing, door to door surveys, street evangelism, etc.


SEED participants, or Sowers, are outgoing, mature young people, between the ages of 17-25, who have made Public Profession of Faith, a member in good standing in a Bible-believing Church, and have a desire for living out that profession through the spreading of the Gospel. Sowers must also submit a letter of recommendation from their Pastor or currently serving Elder.


SEED teams spend time at first receiving discipleship training with a pastor or capable teacher, canvassing neighborhoods for VBS, preparing for VBS, serving among the poor and needy at local ministries, enjoying evenings with Fellowship Families, and taking a day away to visit local sites. The remaining time consists of the VBS week, more discipleship training, local outreach, time with Fellowship Families, and more.


Typically, Sowers arrive at the church on a Saturday and depart two weeks later on a Saturday. This allows them to become familiar with the congregation on Sunday and hit the ground running on Monday morning. SEED trips can take place at any time of the year, though they would typically occur during the summer months when VBS programs are taking place and school is not in session. However, there is some flexibility in the schedule for different start/end dates as well as a shorter event lasting 9-10 days.


SEED Trips take place in local churches in various parts of North America. Because there is a great benefit for young people getting away from what’s familiar, we recommend that Sowers participate in other churches away from their friends and family.


SEED provides a focused, intentional, and practical time of learning about evangelism and discipleship while being challenged to put it into practice. Many Reformed young people grow up in churches that teach doctrine and head knowledge very well, which is essential (Rom. 12:1-2) and a gift of God. However, true knowledge lives out our faith through acts of obedience (James 2:14-26, 1 Cor. 8:1-2), which we know that God prepares for each of us (Eph. 2:10). How do young people learn these things? Primarily through the preaching of God’s word each Lord’s Day, but also through the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry (Eph. 4:12). Churches already equipping their young people in this will be an excellent host for Sowers. Churches not yet equipping their young people in this way will be challenged and encouraged to do so through hosting SEED


RMS finds and prepares churches and participants to come together for an enjoyable and fruitful time of spiritual growth and Christian service.