RMS has been traveling to San José, Costa Rica with teams to assist Rev. Bill and Aletha Green with their ministries for several years.
Costa Rica 2025
April 22 - May 1, 2025
Costa Rica 2025
April 22 - May 1, 2025
Work Projects
Our previous work has included projects such as the CLIR print shop, high school, and grade school buildings. During our upcoming trip, we plan to help with various tasks in the print shop and provide maintenance, repairs, and other miscellaneous work on the property. Additionally, we may be involved in assisting with different initiatives at the church plants in the area.
April 22: Arrive in Costa Rica
April 23: Workday
April 24: Workday
April 25: Workday
April 26:Workday
April 27: Day of worship and rest
April 28: Workday
April 29: Workday
April 30: Workday
May 1: Return home
On one of the workdays, we may, as a group, take some time away from our labors to see some of the culture and beauty of this area. This cost is included in your registration costs, however, souvenirs and other personal incidentals for this day will be the responsibility of each participant.
$850 plus airfare to and from San José, Costa Rica (RMS will arrange air travel if desired). Your $850 is for the purchase of materials and supplies for the church building projects, food & lodging at the Center, and ground transportation. This amount does not include your flights to and from San José or any incidentals or souvenirs you may want to purchase while there.
We will be staying at the school and in apartments on site. There are also stores around to purchase items that you may have
More information
If you have any additional questions please feel free to reach out to Rob at rob@rms.org.