Hands-on evangelism seminar

Rev. Ken Anema

On November 9, 2024, RMS partnered with Cornerstone URC – Hudsonville, MI to host a seminar led by Rev. Ken Anema. It was titled “Hands-On Evangelism”. Rev. Anema walked us through some common fears that we may have and how to overcome these fears. He also taught us practical ways to start relationships with others who may not know about the good news of Jesus Christ. Above all, Rev. Anema emphasized the fact that we need to remember everyday that WE need the gospel message in our lives before we can share it with others. 

Dr. Jeff Doll, the director of the Institute for Reformed Biblical Counseling and the Shepherd's Way Reformed Biblical Counseling Center Network INC., writes, “This Evangelism Conference, led by Pastor Ken Anema, was one of several ways the Lord has begun to answer months of prayers that have been offered by many within the Cornerstone congregation. At the heart of our prayers has been a passionate plea that God would help us, and other confessional reformed congregations, become more intentional about carrying out the Great Commission. This conference not only

provided insights surrounding some of the common fears associated with sharing the gospel, but it also equipped us with practical ways of sharing it. 

One of the wonderful features of this conference was how its leader challenged its participants, which included myself, to identify areas of personal unbelief and the importance of Christians evangelizing themselves daily. Of course, honestly recognizing and repenting of unbelief and reminding ourselves of who we are in Jesus can give us helpful insights on how to reach people outside of Christ with the gospel. I will be encouraging our counseling students to watch the recording of this conference in order that they may receive practical "boots on the ground" instruction for sharing Jesus with others. I, likewise, highly encourage you to watch it.”   

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We hope that you will learn many things from this resource and put what you have learned into practice.

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